Spain: Andalusia's UFO History On Line

Andalusia's UFO History on Line
Our friend and colleague Jose Manuel Garcia Bautista has returned to the field UFO and paranormal research with a new and noteworthy project: Ufología Histórica ( in which he endeavors to summarize southern Spain's extensive annals of UFO contact and supernatural experiences in a site that is easily accessible for anyone with an Internet connection and a desire to learn more about mysteries in this part of Spain. PDF files on particular cases are presented alongside audio interviews with luminaries of the field, such as Antonio Petit, Julio Marvizon and Helio Contreras.
José Manuel writes: "What do we mean by Ufologia Historica? Many readers and internauts visiting the site will have the same question. It is a slice of history devoted to the enigma of the unidentified flying objects, the so-called mystery of the 20th century, and the series of pioneers who took care to track, research and disclose all matters related to it. This was the first generation of UFO researchers, of people willing to invest a great deal of time, effort and money to pursue the enigma in the skies. They left behind hours of research, interview, dialogues, reflections, chats and thosuands of documents that would have been lost if a compilation and maintenance effort had not been undertaken. Today, we make available to you many of these pioneering documents: a slice of our history and as well as a slice of UFO history in our Andalusia."
The Iberian Peninsula's Andalusia region has contributed some of Europe's most intriguing UFO cases, including Aznalcollar case (a mass CE-3 event), incidents at the Coto de Doñana Wilderness Preserve, and an interminable history of strange craft entering and exiting coastal waters near Cádiz, Algeciras and other cities. Salvador Freixedo and Manuel Osuna -- one of the pioneers featured on the site -- once collaborated on a project documenting this wealth of case histories, and it would have been called Sesenta Casos de Ovnis (Sixty UFO Cases) but the typescript was conveniently lost by a publisher. Jose Manuel García Bautista's efforts will finally give us a glimpse into some of those bizarre events.
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